Legacy Men:

Men taking the leadership in the home and community to create spiritual, physical, and generational legacies for the family, wife, children, and his children’s children. Financial literacy, investments, entrepreneurship, and business secrets from the Bible will be taught and implemented as well.

Sisters of Excellence:

The “Sisters of Excellence” is where women go to get inspired with excellent solutions and mutual support for today’s overwhelming challenges, such as past hurts, traumas, unresolved issues, living single, pregnancies, relationships, single-parenting, family issues, pre-marital relationships, and marriage. In our teaching we focus on LOVE. L= LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF ACCORDING TO God plan for your life, O = Oppose those things that destroy the gifts you were born with, V= visiting the truths of who you really are in Christ, E= being excellent in everything you do with your life as the Proverbs woman.

Family Ministries:

*Blended Families – How to Combine 2 different families and make them 1 harmonious family.

*Children As Gifts from God – Receiving children as the inheritance from the Lord.

*Spiritual Weaponry to Save the Family- Learn the spiritual weaponry that prevents Satan from stealing riches of marriage.

*Breaking Generational and Family Curses- Understanding how curses are made, sustained, and how we can break them.

*Called to Become the other Joseph, the Stepfather – How to become an effective stepfather against the odds.

*Grandparents Help Save the Grand Children – Godly wisdom by precept and example from the University of Golden Years.

*Seniors Keeping Family Together- Understanding the tremendous stability and encouragement how seniors can help strengthen marriage and family.

*House Rules – Setting up house rules for peace and harmony in the home.

Children’s Ministry:

*Boys to Men Ministries- Growing into manhood from boyhood.

*Girls to Women Ministries- Becoming women of excellence from girlhood.

*Spiritual Warfare for the Children- Understand how Satan attempts to steal our children and strategies how to prevent him from doing it.

Marriage Ministries:

*Fortify Marriage Against the Evil One- Bible-based and time-tested strategies to divorce-proof marriages

*How the Two Can Become One- Practical ways to become one in marriage

*Reconciliation instead of Divorce –Working through the problems instead of divorcing the problem.

*Marriage Absolutes- The practical pillars of marriage that makes it last until death do us part

*Fatherhood-Empowering potential fathers to become the best father that they can be

*Art of Being a Great Husband- How to continually improve your husband skills

*Are You Ready for Marriage – Serious issues that need to be answered before getting married.

*Spiritual Warfare Against Marriage-Understand how the wiles of the devil destroys marriage and how to fortify your marriage against his destructive tactics.


*Masculine and Feminine Energy – Understanding how these two different energies work together as a powerhouse for building strong marriage and family legacy

*Divorce, Children & Remarriage- Biblical wisdom to recover from divorce and begin anew.

Kingdom Living:

*Financial Freedom and Victory – Financial Literacy, entrepreneurship, & financial legacy made practical for you, your children, and your children’s children.

*Men Wanted Fathers Needed-How to encourage men to desire fatherhood as a privilege

*Living Singled and Fulfilled- Not everyone needs to be married to live fulfilling and meaning lives. We explain how to do this gracefully.

*Calling for Public Servants- How the public office serves as the salt of the earth.

*When the Enemy comes knocking for Pastors-Pastoral families facing the pitfalls in loneliness.

Our Purpose

The purpose of our ministry is to teach practical and biblical strategies how to strengthen marriages and families the last. Consequently, our ministry strengthens individuals, strengthens children, strengthens marriages, families, and the nation.