Why are so many families falling apart? Why do so many marriages struggle to survive? We see the carnage of broken families everywhere. Statistics show half of the divorces and separations happen within 1st year of marriage. Who will be next? What is happening? Mothers are struggling to raise children all by themselves with unbelievable task of trying to fill the role of both mother and father. Grandparents are raising their grandkids because too many homes are falling apart.

The men are struggling to be good fathers and don’t know how to be good fathers. Some men don’t know how to be good husbands to their wives and providers for their families. Our daughters are attacked with every kind of ideology that promotes destructive behavior.

In America alone, over 55 million beating hearts of unborn babies have been terminated. Our boys are being misguided into the pathways of crime and filling up institutions of incarceration. They need their absentee fathers to teach them how to become men. Marriage statistics indicated that 50% the people who marry will separate or divorce within one year. We must fight for the family and create new legacies for our families.


1. Pray for anointing to help strengthen marriages and families

2. Pledge a monthly donation to our ministry as our partner.

3. Participate in our ministry as a partner.

4. Plan to attend our teachings on marriage and family.

5. Present our ministry to others for speaking engage

Our Purpose

The purpose of our ministry is to teach practical biblical strategies how to strengthen marriages and fight for the family. Our ministry strengthens individuals, strengthens children, strengthens marriages, strengthens families and strengthens the nation.