Our Purpose

The purpose of our ministry is to teach practical biblical strategies how to strengthen marriages and fight for the family. Our ministry strengthens individuals, strengthens children, strengthens marriages, strengthens families and strengthens the nation.

5 key pillars:

Expose falsehoods and destructive ideologies that weaken or destroy marriages and families.
Teach biblical principles that create long thriving marriages and healthy families.
Teach how to fight demonic forces that come to kill, steal, and destroy marriages and families.
Partner with professionals to address the challenges of reconciliations, marriages, divorces, remarriages, and blended families.
Conduct conferences and workshops with the purpose of creating local support groups for strengthening the family.

Our Two-Fold Approach for Ministry

Our first approach is that we teach how to strengthen marriages for a lifetime. Our ministry shows how to start a marriage and to prosper marriages within a world that is culturally designed to tear marriages apart. Marriage statistics indicated that 50% the people who marry will separate or divorce within one year. However, when the marriages are strong, then the families are strong. When the families are strong, then the nations are strong.

“27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” ( KJV)

Bride and groom at the altar

Our Ministry to Marriages and Families is a Matter of Urgency

Why are so many families falling apart? Why do so many marriages struggle to survive? We see the carnage of broken families everywhere. Statistics show half of the divorces and separations happen within 1st year of marriage. Who will be next? What is happening? Mothers are struggling to raise children all by themselves with unbelievable task of trying to fill the role of both mother and father. Grandparents are raising their grandkids because too many homes are falling apart.

Leadership Team

Bishop A.F. Jamison Dixon

A. Franklin Jamison Dixon was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri….

DoRethia Jamison

DoRethia Jamison Dixon is the lovely and talented wife of Bishop Jamison…


Fight for the Family and Build Your Home!

If you wish to schedule a speaking engagement with Bishop or his wife DoRethia, call us at (713) 384-8575